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I am grateful to have earned the support of over 140 individuals and organizations:

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Palo Alto Educators Association logo with green text and a tree made of handprints and hearts to the right
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Ohlone Principal for 14+ years!

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Council Member & Mayor (former), Palo Alto

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As a former Mayor of Palo Alto, I have had the privilege of working with many dedicated public servants, but few have impressed me as much as Rowena. She has been at the forefront of some of our community's most complex and controversial issues. Recently, she played a pivotal role in advocating against the closure of Special education classrooms and took to the streets for fair teacher pay - issues that matter deeply to our families and our future. We need more leaders like Rowena - more kick-ass Asian women in politics who aren't afraid to stand up and fight for what's right. That's why I am so proud to endorse Rowena Chiu for the Palo Alto School Board.



Palo Alto Unified School District Board President and Trustee (former)

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Rowena's commitment to school volunteering, efforts with disadvantaged youth, as well as her professional experience as a developmental economist at the World Bank, are clear indicators of her dedication to and passion for helping all students reach their full potential.
This has earned her my endorsement. Having served on the school board myself, it is clear she has the necessary experience needed to govern our district. I believe it speaks volumes that Rowena has been endorsed by the Teacher's Union.



Former President, Palo Alto School Board

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Rowena impressed me with her straightforward approach, strength of character, and willingness to take on tough issues that impact students and families. She is a leader who listens, she has valuable experience as a mom with four children in the school district, and she is smart, committed, and thoughtful about finding solutions that work. I encourage you to get to know her better - you will be impressed with her dedication to represent all families in our community.



Founder, Friends of Buena Vista

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Palo Alto Planning and Transportation Commissioner

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PAUSD volunteer/parent for seventeen years. Mother of eight former PAUSD students.

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Rowena has the vision to turn around our district and provide each child with the education we hope to see. She is dedicated to discovering where the $330 million dollar budget is going and transparency for us tax payers.



Palo Alto City Council, former Mayor

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Supervisor, Santa
Clara County

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I am glad to endorse Rowena Chiu for the Palo Alto Unified School District Board. Rowena shares my belief in the critical importance of having mental health services on-site at our schools, ensuring that every student has access to the support they need. When students are not anxious or overstressed, they are healthier and more likely to be successful in and out of school. I look forward to seeing her leadership on this and other important issues for Palo Alto students, faculty, staff, parents, and community members.



Special Education Advocate/PAUSD Volunteer

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I am glad to endorse Rowena Chiu for Palo Alto School Board. As the PTA President at Ohlone, she used her voice to advocate for the inclusion of students with moderate to severe disabilities, even without such a student in her own family. In the 15 years in this district as a parent of a student on an IEP, I never once saw a PTA President do that before. Rowena advocates clearly and fairly, and encourages others to use their voices as well. This makes our community stronger for all famillies.



Former Mayor, San Mateo

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Board Vice President, Youth Community Service

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Mayor, City of Palo Alto

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As Mayor, I've had the privilege of working with many dedicated community leaders, and Rowena stands out as one of the most committed and compassionate among them. That's why she has my unequivocal endorsement. Rowena's passion for public service is evident in everything she does. She's someone who leads by example, whether she's volunteering in our schools, advocating for mental health resources, or fighting for equity and inclusion. Her dedication to our community is unmatched, and I know she will bring that same
energy and commitment
to the School Board.



Trustee, Palo Alto Unified School District

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I am thrilled to support Rowena Chiu, a tireless advocate for our children, our parents, and our teachers. Rowena’s advocacy work, her empathy, and listening skills as well as her professional and educational background make her a tremendous asset to the board. She will hear you, pore through the numbers, and tirelessly fight for you - and for each of our students and teachers. The leadership that Rowena brings to the table is unmatched, from the years she has served as the former Ohlone PTA President, JLS Connections Board President, and Room Parent for each of her four kids ranging from elementary through high school in our district.

Christine Blasey


Author & Professor

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Greendell School Principal (Former)

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I have known Rowena for a long time, as her family participated in some of the Greendell programs while I was Principal. What I always found to be true about her was that she always wanted what was best for all kids and was creative and thoughtful in her thinking.



Former Mayor, Palo Alto

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“As a former Mayor of Palo Alto, I have had the privilege of working with many dedicated public servants, but few have impressed me as much as Rowena. She has been at the forefront of some of our community's most complex and controversial issues. Recently, she played a pivotal role in advocating against the closure of Special education classrooms and took to the streets for fair teacher pay - issues that matter deeply to our families and our future. We need more leaders like Rowena - more kick-ass Asian women in politics who aren't afraid to stand up and fight for what's right. That's why I am so proud to endorse Rowena Chiu for the Palo Alto School Board."

Lydia Kou, Council Member and Former Mayor, City of Palo Alto



Former Palo Alto Human Relations Commissioner, Former Business Agent for AFSCME (American Federation of State, County, Municipal Employees) and SEIU, PAUSD Substitute of the Year, PAUSD Substitute

Rowena is a skilled and caring person. I have worked with her while I was a Commissioner . She works well with others , she is analytical and practical.



Owner/State of Mind Hospitality Group

Rowena has the leadership and communication skills that we desperately need more of in this district. She is always ready to stand up for what is right and advocate for those that are unable to advocate for themselves. My family and I will forever appreciate the work Rowena did in support of the Ohlone families that were impacted by the removal of special education at that school. She is the exact kind of person we need on the school board not only for her novel ideas and experiences but also for her ability to stand up to authority.



Gunn Class Of 2024

I helped lead the largest student movement to stand up and advocate in front of the Palo Alto School Board. I know Rowena will help build a coalition of change-makers committed to uplifting these student voices. With her focus on choice, she will advocate for students’ active responsibility in their pursuit of learning, whatever form that might take. She will push for transparency and flexibility; we need that persistence for self-improvement, that tenacity for change. Our student advocacy work hinges upon these ideals, which is why I’ll be proud to cast my ballot for Rowena Chiu this November.



I’m supporting Rowena Chiu for Palo Alto School Board. I’ve seen first hand how Rowena tirelessly supports the children and teachers of PAUSD over the past 9 years and speaks up for what’s right.



I’m a new ohlone’s parent and my son happens to be her son’s buddy since first day of school. I heard so many great things about her.



Retired Walter Hays Principal and Past PAUSD Parent

I appreciate Rowena's advocacy for students.



Parent volunteer, El Carmelo

The dedication and voice Rowena will bring is the change we all need ! She will advocate for our kids and our community. She will make change



She cares more than anyone I've ever met.



Engineer, Parent of three PAUSD and UC grads

Rowena has the vision and the energy to redirect the Palo Alto school system.



former Paly Site Council member, Greene parent volunteer, Escondido Site Council member and room parent

Rowena will bring dedication to public service and all Palo Alto students to the Board.  I am happy to fully endorse her.



Parent of Hoover JLS Gunn

Fully support Rowena for PAUSD board. Rowena has done so much for the children in the Palo Alto school district consistently for years. This is evident for all parents who have benefited from Rowena’s contributions. Actions speak louder than words.



Professor emerita, grandparent of 2 past & 3 current PAUSD students

Rowena truly understands the difficult issues facing PAUSD and understands that equity is not equality.



PAUSD Parent

I have known Rowena for over seven years, and I have seen how she is effective, innovative and highly passionate about making school communities better places for students, and teachers. If you need help with something, she is amazingly responsive and will do her best to help on both an individual and a community wide level.



Parent of Two Duveneck Students, Active Parent Volunteer

Rowena is a passionate, engaging and well-spoken advocate for people who would normally not have a voice. With four children in the district, she has seen the challenges and success of many of our schools, programs and school groups and is well-equipped to engage with parents, students and teachers alike to solve problems and encourage success. She believes that all families should have a voice and be supported by our schools.



PAUSD Parent, Manager, Google

As a longtime resident of Palo Alto and native of the SF Bay Area, I wholeheartedly endorse Rowena Chiu for the Palo Alto School Board. I had the pleasure of meeting her at Ohlone Elementary. Her extensive and lengthy experience within the PAUSD has given her not just a profound understanding of the organizational complexities, but more importantly a genuine passion for the potential within the district. I consider these qualities as invaluable for a school board candidate.



Room 19

It takes a certain kind of person - one with fortitude, resilience, and I would say an intrinsic sense of justice - to be able to advocate for the vulnerable… and especially for kids and families that you hadn’t met yet. Most people, I think, cannot do that - and we were the lucky ones, to have you on our side.



Parent of 2016, 2020, 2024 grads, substitute teacher, and volunteer

From my prior engineering training, I deeply appreciate Rowena's attention to details and problem solving. As someone who experienced some childhood trauma and was a benefactor of the healing powers of teachers, I recognize her sensitivity to our students and their families. And from her deep journey into literature, I see someone who understands the complexities of our human experience. She wants for our children what we all want--connection, competency, respect, and hopefulness.



Parent of Ohlone Student

As a parent in PAUSD, I am pleased to endorse Rowena for the School Board position! Over the past two years of working with her through the Ohlone PTA, I've been truly impressed by her dedication to our school and our kids. Her energy and passion are contagious and inspiring!

I fully align with her perspective on educational equity. Providing different learning opportunities for every child is essential. Rowena understands the importance of ensuring that students who struggle have access to the resources they need to succeed, while also challenging those who are advanced to keep them engaged and stimulated. Equity means giving each group of kids the room to thrive, rather than expecting them to study the same material.

Rowena also cares deeply about mental health, especially given her past experiences. She recognizes that academic opportunities and mental health are not opposing forces; with the right support, every child can thrive.

Moreover, Rowena encourages respectful listening and isn’t afraid to speak up when policy decisions don’t make sense. Her willingenss to stands up for teachers, parents and our kids is really a big hope for all of us

She views the school board as a bridge connecting the superintendent, teachers, parents, and students—not a battleground. Her focus on collaboration, building trust, and finding better ways to address problems is exactly what PAUSD needs right now.

I wholeheartedly support Rowena for the School Board and believe she will bring great energy and thoughtful leadership to PAUSD!



Author, Engineer, Parent of former PAUSD student

Rowena is a brilliant and tireless advocate for all children



PAUSD parent

I wholeheartedly endorse Rowena for the school board. As an active and dedicated volunteer, I’ve had the pleasure of seeing her at numerous school events, where she consistently demonstrates her commitment to our students and community. During multiple candidate meetings, I was truly impressed by the depth of thought she brings to finding solutions. Her ability to respond quickly and effectively to challenging questions during these discussions highlights the careful consideration and insight she applies to solving tough issues. Rowena’s dedication, thoughtful approach, and problem-solving skills make her the ideal candidate to represent our schools.



We need people like Rowena to bring back and uphold common sense education principles in PAUSD, which includes focus on academic excellence, fair evaluation of student performance, and open opportunities for students to learn and grow their talents.



Former Ohlone SpEd Parent

Your support of Room 19 - and the clarity with which you understood the issue - has impacted me in more ways than I can express. Watching you stand up, week after week (in many different ways) for the Room 19 families and children (even those that you didn't yet know) made me feel braver and stronger for my son. It was quite something to observe and I am grateful.



I'm 100% behind Rowena. She has kids throughout the school system and sees all the issues first hand. Rowena has a stake in the game and gets things done. She can not be intimidated or cajoled. Kick down that door Rowena....



Rowena for academic excellence!!



Former PAUSD Parent, Instructional Aide, Substitute teacher

I’m in awe of Rowena’s eloquence, passion, determination and convictions. She has my vote and I will be sharing her candidacy with as many friends as I can.



PAUSD Parent (Former)

As a 40 year resident of Palo Alto, I’ve seen many school board races. It’s Palo Alto — all candidates and school board members boast impressive educational pedigrees, but most fail to listen to others’ opinions. Rowena listens to what parents and teachers have to say.



I’ve met and attended Rowena’s talks a couple of times, one at Palo Alto high school for high school students. By the way she delivered her story, I could instantly tell she deeply cares about students. I wholeheartedly endorse her!

Adi Weitchandler

Ana Vacaflores

Beth Delson

Carolyn Bao

Christina Nosek

Emma van Niekerk

Ginnie Noh

Huimin Chen

Jennifer Anne Foster

Julia Zhang

Leanne Fonteyn

Lisa Ma Wu

Margo Ni

Myo Thein

Peter Drekmeier

Robyn Reiss

Sara Vaughn

Shivani Balan

Vanessa Shone

Weibei Li

Yan Wang

Ye Ding

Ying Tu

Zeng Wang

Akanksha Kumar

Andrew Maggiora

Beth Guislin

Charley  Mulugeta 

Daniella Shao

Estelle Zhao

Helen Wang

James Sperry

Jennifer Glos

Karen Holman

Leor Melamedov

Lu Zhang

Marla Kaminsky

Nan Zhong

Qianhui Jiang

Rui Guo

Sarah Longstreth

Susan Fishman

Vivian Zhang

Wen Guo

Yan Yan

Yi Zhang

Yinghuan Peng

Akhilesh Dhawan

Avery Wang

Brian Conrad

Cheng Yi

Denise Johnsen

Etta Lin

Heng Zhang

Janice Hough

Jenny Chang

Katie Avila

Li Ji

Lyn Chen

Minmin Lu

Nupur Kothari

Rebecca Eisenberg

Ruiqi Wang

Sarah Song

Taly Katz

Wanyi Sun

Wendy Ouyang

Yanchen Liu

Yi Zhao

Yiyi Zeng

Amber Chaudhry

B Wong

Brittany Luciano

Cherie Donald

Elaine Andersen

Frank Fan

Hongxing Li

Janice Maggiora

Jie Shao

Lakshmi Thiyagarajan

Lily Liu

Maggie Ma

Molly Naughton

Patti Regehr

Rebecca Friend

Ruiyi Z

Shan He

Todd Simon

Wati Grossman

Xiaofang Zhu

Yanchen Liu

Ying Li

Yunan Song

Unless otherwise indicated, all titles and organization names are provided solely for identification purposes and do not reflect the view or positions held by any organization

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Our endorsements page will include the statement "Unless otherwise indicated, all titles and organization names are provided solely for identification purposes and do not reflect the view or positions held by any organization"

Thank you for your support!

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